This is the second year of the perl pull request challenge. One repo per month with the goal of at least 1 pull request open or merged. With great thanks to Neil Bowers to getting this up and running. I am giving this a second go this year with the hope of sticking through the end of the year.

For January I got the Exobrain repo. I have opened 2 pull requests so far and probably won’t be able to open more before the month ends. The first one was pretty simple and consisted of an extermely minor typo fix in a comment.

The second one involved a bit more work. It is for adding validation to a custom MooseX::Types. I don’t have much experience with the MooseX framework but the code is pretty readable. I plan on both adding the validation and creating some new tests to make sure the validations are accurate and correct. The original code did not have any validation on the PhoneNum type.

subtype PhoneNum,
    as Str,
    where { 1 },

My suggested change at the moment is making a regex that will ensure the phone number fits a certain style. Like the following:

subtype PhoneNum,
    as Str,
    where { $_ ~= /\+?\d+$/ },

Once I get the implementation finalized I will write a post explaining the change in greater detail. But the regex above basically makes sure the the phone number consists of an optional + and the beginning which is denoted by the \+?. The question mark makes the escaped \+ optional. After the optional plus, we have strictly digits denoted by the \d until the end of the string which is denoted by the \$ at the end.

In conclusion, let’s see how far I can go this year!